13. Song about kaif (George)

– Hey, man, get up!
– What are affairs?

Kaif at a concert of all alive on earth
And the apogee of all alive.

Let will come eternal kaif,
Let kaif will be to all people.

I'm a singer and I won't repent –
I call for an eternal kaif. 

Let will rather come a kaif,
Let will come eternal kaif.


– It's kaif!...
– It's not kaif!... Ah-ah…

– No, it's not kaif! It's not kaif!
– It's kaif!...
– No, it's not kaif!... Ah-ah…

How it's not kaif? What are wolves!
But I laud kaif again.

Let's carry a dream of bliss –
If we'll be in childhood, it will be kaif. 


– It's not kaif!...
– It's kaif!... Ah-ah… 

"Mr. Rautbart" "Voice" "Fall upon the sand" Альбом "Temptation of Saint Aquarium" Альбомы Б.Г. Главная страница сайта

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