Fog over Yangtze.
Fog over Yangtze.
Fragrant as wool 
Of heavenly fox.
I threw away a compass, 
Trampled in dust a watch 
And went out to dance 
In fog over Yangtze.

Above the rice field 
The mist thickened,
In it Catholic wanders,
And shaman wanders.
The upper strata roam,
And lower strata roam,
Them hid from each other 
Fog over Yangtze.

And I was as all, 
Drank and ploughed.
I Read the Tao Te Ching
And realized, "Hit!";
I burnt my penthouse,
Took a sample from the vine
And went out to dance 
In fog over Yangtze.

Answer, Nizhnevartovsk,
And Kharkov, answer –
How long in Chinese 
You started to sing?
And whose in that guilt 
That the Arbat drunks 
Drinks vodka from bowls 
Of the Tang Dynasty? 

We're all brothers now,
We're all family here;
So who of us is you
And who of us I am?
Who is jolly, the one is old,
Who is dismal – the one is young;
And all wish to know:
So about what I sing?

And I go and sing,
And all around is God;
I'm myself to myself Sufi
And myself to myself yogi.
In the heart there's the seal 
Of persistent beauty,
And in my head  
Fog over Yangtze.

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